nLab Victor Ginzburg

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Victor Ginzburg (in some 1980s articles spelled Ginsburg) is a professor of mathematics at the University of Chicago. His thesis in Moscow was under Alexandre Kirillov. His main interests are representation theory, especially geometric representation theory, including more recently noncommutative algebraic geometry.

Warning: there is another mathematician (global analysis, symplectic geometry), Viktor Ginzburg (note the English spelling).

  • U. Chicago: faculty research interests; wikipedia: Victor Ginzburg; an article in Chicago Chronicle

  • N. Chriss, V. Ginzburg, Representation theory and complex geometry, Birkhäuser 1997. x+495 pp.

  • V. Ginzburg, Geometric methods in representation theory of Hecke algebras and quantum groups (this survey is closely related to the book above), math.AG/9802004

  • Lectures on noncommutative geometry, math.AG/0506603

  • (with A. Beilinson), Wall-crossing functors and DD-modules, Representation Theory 3 (electronic), 1–31 (1999)

  • A. A. Beĭlinson, V. A. Ginsburg, V. V. Schechtman, Koszul duality, J. Geom. Phys. 5 (1988), no. 3, 317–350.

  • A. Beilinson, V. Ginzburg, W. Soergel, Koszul duality patterns in representation theory, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 9 (1996), no. 2, 473–527.

  • V. Ginsburg, Characteristic varieties and vanishing cycles, Inv. Math. 84, 327–402 (1986) MR87j:32030, doi

  • V.G. Lectures on D-modules, 1998 Chicago notes, writeup by V. Baranovsky, pdf

  • P. Etingof, V. Ginzburg, Symplectic reflection algebras, Calogero-Moser space, and deformed Harish-Chandra homomorphism, Invent. math. 147, 243–348 (2002) doi arXiv:math.AG/0011114

  • Pavel Etingof, Wee Liang Gan, Victor Ginzburg, Alexei Oblomkov, Harish-Chandra homomorphisms and symplectic reflection algebras for wreath-products, arXiv:math.RT/0511489

  • Victor Ginzburg, Dmitry Kaledin, Poisson deformations of symplectic quotient singularities, Adv. Math. 186(1) 1–57 (2003) doi

  • William Crawley-Boevey, Pavel Etingof, Victor Ginzburg, Noncommutative geometry and quiver algebras, Adv. Math. 209:1 (2007) 274–336 doi

  • V. Ginzburg, T. Schedler, Differential operators and BV structures in noncommutative geometry, Sel. Math. New Ser. 16, 673–730 (2010) doi

  • V. Ginzburg, T. Schedler, A new construction of cyclic homology, Proc. Lon. Math. Soc 112 (2016), no. 3, 549–587; doirXiv:1201.6635)

He introduced the notion of dd-Calabi-Yau algebra (and also a construction of a class of examples, Ginzburg dg-algebras) in

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Last revised on September 20, 2022 at 23:24:04. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.